Personal and Group-based
career guidance
For you
Whether you are just starting out, seeking a new job or career change, facing redundancy, or returning to work after a break, career guidance and coaching can help you to move forward. I can offer a one-off session or career coaching programme, dependent on your needs.
Find out more and book here.
For schools
Sunrise Career Guidance offers personal and group-based career guidance services to help secondary schools meet Gatsby Benchmarks 3, 4, and 8.
Find out more about our personal career guidance meetings and group-based workshops here.
For charities
Sunrise Career Guidance also offers personal and group-based career guidance services through charities and community groups.
Find out more about the personal career guidance services and career learning and development (CLD) programmes on offer here.
I’m Lis McGuire, a registered career development professional (RCDP) and the founder of Sunrise Career Guidance.
My mission is to help people to feel confident, optimistic, and excited about their career.
I do this by offering personal and group-based career guidance to help my clients to identify, plan, and take positive next steps.
Personal Career Guidance Testimonials
Thank you so much for the conversation yesterday. It was extremely useful and I appreciated you listening to me.
Thanks for all your brilliant help. You’ve had a very positive impact on my career!
From a one hour’s call you have absolutely got to the root of it for me professionally with some great questions.
I just wanted to say thank you for our session last week and the guidance notes you have sent through. I found our session really helpful. I feel clearer in my mind now about my next steps.

Unlock, explore, and review your career ideas
Identify career goals that align with your skills, qualities, interests, and values
Discuss any limiting assumptions that may be impacting your career choices
Evaluate any skills gaps and make realistic plans to deal with them
Identify and address your career information needs
Find and access relevant sources of labour market information (LMI)
Make confident, well-informed, and realistic career decisions
Want to know more?
Read more about personal career guidance on the blog.

Find out what to expect from your personal career guidance meeting, how to prepare, and more.
Your personal career guidance meeting is a confidential, impartial, and non-judgemental space for you to explore and review your career options.
Use LMI For All’s Careerometer tool (below) to research and contrast information (salary, working hours, future employment prospects) for selected jobs.
Type in the job title of the role you’d like to explore and select a relevant option from the dropdown list. You can pick two more occupations to compare and contrast or select ‘display the UK average’ as another comparative data point.
Career theory: The one I was wrong about
Pryor and Bright’s (2011) chaos theory of careers (CTC) focuses on how life and career cannot be predicted and controlled. Plans may not go to plan, they may not work out, things may go entirely differently to the way we imagined. And that’s a fact we have to deal...
Job Search Strategy Call
Just starting your job search?Unsure where to search for opportunities? Or job searching for a while and find you are hitting a wall? Fed up with looking in the same places, without success? Keen to find new sources of jobs? Losing heart with applying for advertised...
What is personal career guidance, anyway?
What is personal career guidance, anyway? Before writing this blog, I spent a little time choosing the images on the left here, to reflect on what personal career guidance means to me. I was drawn to these images because personal career guidance provides...
Preparing to write your UCAS statement? Check out these tips for further reading…
Further (or wider) reading – reading beyond the texts specified within your current course syllabus - has many benefits. It can: Extend your subject knowledge Build your skills as an independent learner Test the depth of your interest in a subject before you commit to...
A creative technique to help you reflect on your learning journey
What skills do you need to have a positive career?Image by Manfred Steger from PixabayThere are six career development skills that we all need to have positive careers (CDI, 2020). You can find out what they are here:...