Get career happy – give your career some sunshine

Are you ready to bring some sunshine to your career?

Do you want to wake up feeling happy and excited about the future?

This 8-session career coaching programme will help you get clear on where you are in your career journey, what you want from your next step, what you can bring, what options are out there, and which might work for you.

*In placing an order, you confirm that you have read and agree with Sunrise Career Guidance’s terms and conditions, privacy policy, data retention policy, and safeguarding policy.


How does it work?

How long is it?

The Get Career Happy programme takes place over Zoom over an 8-week period, with each session a week apart to give you time to reflect.

When are the sessions?

We can work together to find a time that suits you, whether that is a Saturday or Sunday morning, a weekday evening, or a Friday afternoon.

Do you have further information?

Please watch this short which explains what you can expect from working together and how to prepare for the programme.

How long is each session?

Each session lasts from 60 to 90 minutes and will be fun, interactive, and tailored to your needs.

What can I expect from each session?

Each session is different, but you can expect to:

  • Discuss your current situation in relation to the topic
  • Complete activities and answer questions to help move your thinking forwards
  • Have time and space to reflect
  • Get access to high-quality resources that you can use to learn more
  • Think about the steps you’d like to take to help you move forwards after each session

*In placing an order, you confirm that you have read and agree with Sunrise Career Guidance’s terms and conditions, privacy policy, data retention policy, and safeguarding policy.

Your 8-week coaching programme

(plus bonus content)

Week 1: Telling Your Story So Far

Taking stock of your current situation and what led you to this point is vital work before you move forward with your career. In this session, you can reflect on your career journey to date and the factors that influenced your journey. We can take a look at where you are now and discuss what you need to do first to help you move forward. Getting clear on where you have come from and where you are can really help when you are thinking about the future.

Week 2: Skills and Strengths

You have skills and strengths. We all do. The aim of this session is for you to feel confident in what you can do and excited about how you can use them. If you don’t know your skills and strengths already, this session will help you identify and celebrate them. At the beginning this worksheet will be empty but by the end you are going to have filled it with skills and strengths and feel confident about what you can do and offer! If you do know some of your skills and strengths, I will help you reflect on them and think about how you want to use them going forward.

Week 3: Values and Motivation

Do you know what is really important to you? Identifying and articulating your values and drivers can give you a guiding light by which to make decisions and to evaluate whether your values are being served. Getting really clear on what matters to you can help you understand why some roles, organisations, and environments suit you better than others. Bringing them into the light will help you with future career decisions.

Week 4: Purpose

Have you ever wondered what your purpose might be? Or wished your work held more meaning for you? We spend on average 80,000 hours at work in our lifetime, so it makes sense to make them count. Plus research has shown that having a sense of purpose can increase our motivation levels, productivity, wellbeing, and happiness – a win win!
In this session, we can explore what matters to you and why, and how you might use your time at work to help and contribute in a meaningful way. Finding your purpose might not happen immediately or overnight, but there’s no better time to start exploring what it might be!

Week 5: What Do I Need/Want?

What do you actually want and need from your work? Can you confidently name all your deal makers and deal breakers? If not, this session will help you to write a clear shopping list of the factors that you want from your next role. We’ll be looking into what motivates you, what gives you job satisfaction, and the kind of balance you want to achieve in your life. By the end of the session, you’ll have a clearer vision on what you need and want from your time spent at work.

Week 6: What Could My Future Look Like?

When you think about what you could do in future, what springs to mind? In this session we’ll be looking into a wide range of options including:

  • those you’ve already considered
  • ideas that link to your skills, values, and motivations, and
  • brand new options from job families and career quizzes

We’ll also discuss how you feel about each option, and whether there are any ideas you’d like to explore further.

Week 7: Researching Ideas

Do you need some information to help you make the right decision, but don’t know where to find it? Are you wondering where to go and what to do to help you find things out? This session will help you to get clear on what you want and need to know and work out how to find the answers you need. We’ll cover how to find trusted sources of labour market information and how to use your network to find out the information you need. We’ll also cover informational interviews as a way to get the info you need and strengthen relationships with people who can help.

Week 8: Decision-making

You will make many decisions over the course of your career. It’s likely that you have already made many. For example, where to study, what to study, and whether to apply for or accept a particular job. There will be many more decisions ahead. Decision-making is a key career management skill and this session will help you reflect on how you make decisions, whether your approach is working for you, and whether you might do the same or different in future. We can also try a couple of decision-making exercises that can help you engage your rational thoughts, instincts. and emotions – these all have a role to play in your decisions.

Get Career Happy also includes 4 pre-recorded bonus videos for you to work through in your own time:

1. Learning New Skills

Are you keen to develop your skills but you don’t know how or where to find opportunities?

Are you wondering what kind of learning might work for you?

This session will help you reflect on your learning so far, identify the skills you want or need to develop, and consider how you could develop them in the future. It will also share free opportunities to take your learning forward.

2. Testing Ideas

Researching your ideas is useful, but there comes a point where you want to test it out in a more immersive or practical way.

Trying something before you buy into it can help you make sure it’s right for you before you commit your time and energy to pursuing it.

This session will help you assess what you want to learn from testing your idea, explore ways to test your idea, and work out how to make testing possible.

3. Setting Goals and Mapping Next Steps

Do you have a dream or idea for the future that is lying dormant in the bank of your mind?

One that pops into your consciousness from time to time, only to be pushed back again to linger there?

Setting goals can be the first step to achieving them.

This session will help you to imagine and voice what you want your future to look like.

You will also consider the actions and steps and support you need to get there.

4. Job Search Strategy

Are you about to start searching for a new job? Or are you currently job searching and feel it could be going better?

This job search strategy session can help. We can reflect on how current approaches are working and share new ideas to breathe energy into your search.

We can talk about how to find advertised roles but we can also demystify the hidden job market – giving you practical tips on how to access jobs that are not advertised. Having a strategy in place will ensure you are focusing your time and energy on activities that work for you.

*In placing an order, you confirm that you have read and agree with Sunrise Career Guidance’s terms and conditions, privacy policy, data retention policy, and safeguarding policy.

Ready to get career happy?

Book your career happy programme here*

COST £750

*In placing an order, you confirm that you have read and agree with Sunrise Career Guidance’s terms and conditions, privacy policy, data retention policy, and safeguarding policy.

Additional Notes


  1. Once I have received your booking, I will email you so we can arrange your first session.
  2. I will send you a second short video with some brief exercises for you to do before we meet. Please watch it on a screen other than your phone as I have added some QR codes for you to access some activities.
  3. Send me your thoughts after watching the video or you can share them in our first session if you prefer.
  4. Get ready to work together on Zoom by following these tips.


• Check you have a secure set up (secure internet connection, password-protected Wi-Fi, antivirus and security software, strong passwords, etc.)
• Consider your location and background – who else can see and overhear you? Is your location and background appropriate?
• Use a headset rather than a speaker to avoid being overheard
• Familiarise yourself with application features, privacy, and security settings
• Conduct regular application updates to ensure you are using latest versions
• Familiarise yourself with Zoom’s features, security and privacy settings before the meeting


I can also offer additional career guidance sessions covering topics like motivation, confidence, personality, and growth mindset. I can also offer a CV review, a CV writing service, or interview coaching if required. Price on application.